As previously stated, I'll be using my blog as a public service (limited and obscure as it is) for the Kaiju fan community online. And one such way to do so, is by posting random articles, featuring random images, of random Kaiju (giant monsters) from across random fiction! I'll try my best to largely use images I've either scanned or taken myself - the latter of which, by using the age old method of a crummy digital camera, while sitting affront of a decent sized TV screen at night. In other cases however, I will of course credit sources for images that I've 'borrowed' from other sites, and their related owners and contributors. Especially since a lot of the most Obscure Kaiju characters have equally as few images floating about the Internet. And usually on web-pages that have an unreliable lifespan, like forum threads. Or the dreaded, diminished attention spanned beast dubbed Tumblr. For this first outing, we're going to start off with some (crappy) screen-captures I made of The Stone Creatures; twin lion-like stone statues from third episode of Hanna-Barbera's "Godzilla" series, entitled "Attack of the Stone Creatures" (September 23rd, 1978).
'Crossfire! Crossfire!'
'Hey Godzuki! Check out my winter cool breath!'
'Huh...Not that impressive?'
'We're combing the desert, in search of Princess Vespa!'
'We ain't found S***!'
I'll have more Kaiju images to share on a near weekly basis from now on, so stay tuned. And if you'd like to assist me in this ongoing endeavor, with scans or screen-captures from your ends, please contact me through the comments below.
And as an expert of Kaiju (Giant Monsters), my site here can serve a much needed, no-nonsense service. Especially to the overlooked, and lesser known characters, of the genre. Even if my site has little-to-no traffic (more the NON), the articles remain in the 'Internet-Ether' for future readers, seeking such information.
For now however, let me present this hastily done video blog, where my huge rectangular head rambles on for 24 minutes, on both my pleasant childhood memories of early days, of the now infamous Disney Channel. And more importantly, discuss a mystery program from my childhood, about a grandfather and his grandson, trying to save a Giant Plesiosaur from an enclosed lake, and its mechanical floodgate.
If anyone can identify my mystery film, please leave your comments below. Or contact me at the right side of the blog. UPDATE OF EXTREME HAPPINESS:reader Matthew B. Lamont identified the half-hour film as "Legend of Firefly Marsh" (1987), which I confirmed with an addition search across the internet. Unfortunately, it's still horribly obscure, with no decent images of the lake Plesiosaur currently available, but its still a world of joy to finally know the title. Big thanks to you, Matthew!